How is it that most of us crave love so badly and only We Afraid of Love a handful are lucky enough to meet our other half? Have you ever thought about it? Personally, I think the reason for this is our fear. We are afraid to open up to love. Through our experiences and heartbreaks, we fear that another attempt to find love will turn out to be a failure again. Moreover, the times we live in FlirtWith glorify single status and do not encourage us to seek a relationship. I can also list many other reasons why we are afraid of love, a few of them can be found below:
We are Afraid of Losing the Singles Status
Being single can be something extra. However, if you are not completely and absolutely sure that you want to be single for the rest of your life (yes, there are such people!), Sooner or later you will have to change and change your habits. You may like this state now, when you are your own helm, sailor, ship. But do you want to be alone for the rest of your life? Imagine yourself living alone at 40, 50, 60. Do you like this vision? If you have a different answer than yes, then take action. It takes effort and time to open up to love and find the right partner. Time, on the other hand, is something that over time becomes a scarce commodity in our lives.
Love Challenges Our Self-Image
Many of us struggle or have struggled with deeply held beliefs and the feeling of being unloved. Each of us has an internal criticism. Unfortunately, in many cases it undermines our self-esteem and belief. That someone can love us and care for us, support us in life. This cruel critic in our head keeps agitating us. Telling us that we are worth nothing, that we do not deserve happiness. This voice most often arises in us in early childhood and is often a reflection of the feelings our parents had for us and for themselves. Over time, their voice was internalized.
We internalized their beliefs by creating our own inner voices. That we stop noticing over time. Not to mention considering him an enemy and working on him. Instead of passive acceptance and obedience to that voice. This is often because, although these inner voices are often mean and do a lot of harm. They are also very well known to us, so they indirectly protect us from the pain and effort FlirtWith that we would have to put into creating a new, inner image of ourselves. .
We Afraid of Love
So when suddenly someone who sees us differently from us and starts to show us love and appreciate us for who we are, we can often feel uncomfortable and even defensive. This is because the person is, in a way, challenging our self-image. what we would have to put into creating a new, inner image of ourselves. So when suddenly someone who sees us differently from us and starts to show us love and appreciate us for who we are, we can often feel uncomfortable and even defensive.
This is because the person is, in a way, challenging our self-image. what we would have to put into creating a new, inner image of ourselves. So when suddenly someone who sees us differently from us and starts to show us love and appreciate us for who we are, we can often feel uncomfortable and even defensive. This is because the person is, in a way, challenging our self-image.
New Love “bury” Old Wounds
When we decide to enter into a new relationship, we unconsciously also decide to “dig up” old wounds. How we have been hurt in the past in our “relationships”, from our childhood and relationship with our mother, through our first relationships with the opposite sex; it has a big influence on us also in our adult life. It affects how we perceive people with whom we establish close relationships and how we behave in a relationship. Past negative experiences, especially if there are many, can cause a strong fear of opening up to love and feelings related to it. Also before the new kind of relationship resulting from this love. We can fear intimacy because it reminds us of old feelings of hurt, loss, rejection and anger. Additionally, by loving someone, we risk hurting someone.
Love is Unequal – We Afraid of Love
Many people fear relationship involvement because the other party is “too committed.” They are worried that if they get into this relationship and are unable to express their feelings, they will hurt the person. This is because we forget a trait in love and relationships that is never balanced. It is never the case that each party gives 50 to 50 equally. Just as we have bad days at work or in life, so do we have bad days in our emotions and relationships. Our feelings for the other person are an ever-changing force. You know that feeling when you love someone, but at this moment you don’t like them for something?
Within seconds, minutes, our loved one can make us irritable or angry. Therefore, worrying about whether we will be able to reciprocate. The other person’s feelings is not very rational and in fact prevents us from reciprocating them. Our mind and energy go into this worry. It is better to open up and calmly watch our feelings develop over time. So put a stop to any worries and guilt feelings. As they may keep you from getting to know someone. Who is interested in you better and building a relationship that can make you happy.
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Love brings many challenges to our lives. Many of them come from our deep beliefs and medicines. Getting to know our beliefs and the behaviors that originate in them is necessary to be able to open up and create a successful. Serious relationship that brings satisfaction to both partners. These fears can be well mask in everyday life through various rationalizations and justifications. However, when we look closely at them, we may be surprise. How much we sabotage. Ourselves so that we never get close to anyone. By getting to know ourselves, we give ourselves the best chance of finding and maintaining a happy love.
Let love be with you!