One of the important qualities that, International Dating our opinion, a woman who intends to meet a foreigner, marry him and move to love in another country must have is tolerance (tolerance and openness to a different culture, to a different view of the world).
Tolerance, as a behavioral aspect, is one of the important and integral “components” of acquaintance. With a foreigner, relationships, family life and integration in another country. Why is the flexibility of thinking and the lack of condemnation of everything. That “does not fit” into the picture of the world adopted in the countries of Eastern Europe so important?
Acquaintance and relations with a foreigner – International Dating
The lack of tolerance for another culture in. The modern world is an indicator of a low level of personality development. We have written more than once. That when getting to know a man at a distance using (at the first stage of dating) letters or messages in instant messengers and social networks. It is important to understand what impression you make on a man. Whether he wants to continue the acquaintance and come to your country for the first meeting.
When meeting a foreign man, it will simply be ugly to disrespect his culture or start criticising. His mentality or the culture of his country. It is possible to compare the cultures of different countries. However, one should not criticise or show disrespect. Why get acquainted with foreign men at all. If the mentality of men suits you, the picture of the world and relations accepted in your homeland, triptogether.com
Openness to the new, to a different culture and worldview will help you to know the mentality of a foreigner. At the stage of acquaintance, and, therefore, you could understand if you could get married. Start a family with a man who has this view of the world, a similar manner of behavior.
Marriage, moving to another country and integration
Tolerance is one of the most important components of integration in another country . If you cannot accept and respect the culture and attitudes of a particular society. You will not be able to fully integrate into that society. And, consequently, a full-fledged life is also impossible, as part of that society. The country to which you moved. For example, in order to integrate in another triptogether country, you do not need to adopt a different religion. However, you need to be respectful of other faiths.
It is important to accept the idea that by marrying a foreigner and moving to live in another country, you will not just change your place of residence geographically, but will actually move to another country where much of society “functions” differently. You will have to adapt to this and accept the culture of this new country for you. Openness, tolerance will help you with this.
Tolerance and openness to the new, to a different culture – International Dating
In Germany, it is customary to say: “Andree Lander, Andre Sitten” , which literally translates as “other countries, other customs” .
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To save not only your time (because, perhaps, for the reasons mentioned above, a relationship with a foreigner is simply not for you), but also peace of mind, we advise you to understand as early as possible that you are not meeting a Slavic man , and accept differences, instead of expecting the foreigner to behave in your usual way or to point out to the foreign gentleman his “mistakes”. For a foreigner, in your opinion, “mistakes” in behavior will not be such, because he is not used to behaving differently, he had no other experience, he does not know about a different behavior model. You do not want him to start “remaking” you or criticise you for the views that were instilled in you by your parents or society? Don’t demand it from him either. Accept him for who he is.